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  1. Screen Layout
  2. The Menu
  3. Menu Links: Tag Syntax Items (Top Section)
  4. Syntax Links: Tag Names
  5. Syntax Links: Attributes
  6. Syntax Links: Attribute Values
  7. Menu Link: TAGS (Tag Glossary)
  8. Menu Link: ATTRIBUTES (Attribute Descriptions)
  9. Menu Link: Common (Common Attributes)
  10. Menu Link: VALUES (Acceptable Attribute Values and Data Types)
  11. Menu Link: ENTITIES (Special Character Codes)
  12. Menu Links: INFO, HELP, and AUTHOR

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Screen Layout

Screen capture of initial frameset

When using a frames-enabled browser, the screen is divided into three areas with these files loaded by default:

As you click on links across the site, the MAIN frame and FOOTNOTES frame will be scrolled to particular sections of these three files and a few others:

FYI: Without frames, you can still easily navigate this site. Instead of using the links in the MENU frame, you'll simply use the menu choices at the top and bottom of each file. Links, instead of scrolling the frames to specific places, will simply load that file/location into your main browser window.
Let's begin by looking at the Menu . . .
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The Menu

Screen capture of MENU frame All links in the MENU frame load files into the MAIN frame (upper right).

The first group of links load the Tag Syntax file into the MAIN frame and scroll to the proper syntax for that type of tag.

The second group of links load the Notes file into the MAIN frame and scroll to the associated sections:

The ENTITIES link loads the Entities file into the MAIN frame, listing the codes used to insert special characters (©, ®, →, θ, etc.).

The final group of links load some supplementary files into the MAIN frame:

NOTE: These links are also available at the top and bottom of each file.

Now let's click on the Menu item "Lists" . . .
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Menu Links: Tag Syntax Items
After clicking the Menu item "Lists" . . .

The MAIN frame has now scrolled the Tag Syntax file to the Lists section.

Screen capture of Tag Syntax for Lists The first thing in that section is a table showing the bare-bones format for each of the three main types of lists. This is a quick reminder of usage and provides a quick template to copy/paste. (Although the Lists section templates are pretty simple, in other sections the basic format boxes can be quite handy.)

Next is the syntax for the LI tag. These links scroll the Notes file in the FOOTNOTES frame:

CAUTION: Pay attention to quotes -- Any attribute values other than plain numbers must be enclosed in quotes.

NOTE: The bolded parts are required, including any required end tags.

FYI: Any colored tags or parts of tags are common but frowned upon because they aren't official or were official but have gone out of style.

We'll examine each of the syntax link types
(tag names, attributes, values, and common attributes).

First, let's click on the "LI" tag name . . .
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Syntax Links: Tag Names
After clicking on the tag name "LI" . . .

Screen capture of Tag Glossary entry for LI

The FOOTNOTE frame has now scrolled the Notes file to the Tag Glossary entry for LI.

Tag Glossary entries may include:

NOTE: Some tags have multiple entries because the function is determined by which attributes are included.

FYI: Don't be confused by the entry for LINK — It just happens to be the next entry in the Tag Glossary.

Looking back at the MAIN frame,
this time let's click on the attribute "TYPE" . . .

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Syntax Links: Attributes
After clicking on the attribute "TYPE" . . .

Screen capture of Attribute Description of TYPE

The FOOTNOTE frame has now scrolled the Notes file to the Attribute Description of TYPE.

Attribute Description entries include:

NOTE: Some attributes have multiple entries because the attribute's function depends on which tag it's in.

FYI: Colored attributes are common but frowned upon because they aren't official or were official but have gone out of style.

Looking back to the List Item (LI) syntax in MAIN frame,
this time let's click on the Attribute Value nickname "LIStyle" . . .

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Syntax Links: Attribute Values
After clicking on the nickname "LIStyle" . . .

Screen capture of Tag Glossary entry for LI

The FOOTNOTE frame has now scrolled the Notes file to the Acceptable Attribute Values entry for the nickname LIStyle.

Acceptable Attribute Values entries may include:

NOTE: If an attribute is not specified, the bolded option is the default value.

FYI: Colored options are common but frowned upon because they aren't official or were official but have gone out of style.

The LIStyle attribute value nickname includes many options:

Now, let's look at the Menu links

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Menu Link: TAGS (Tag Glossary)

Screen capture of Tag Glossary

The MAIN frame has now scrolled the Notes file to the Tag Glossary.

This provides a broader view of the Tag Glossary, which you could only peek at in the FOOTNOTE frame.

As we saw before, Tag Glossary entries may include:

NOTE: Some tags have multiple entries because the function is determined by which attributes are included.

For example: The A tag can become a link with the HREF attribute, an anchor with the ID or NAME attributes, or part of an image map with the SHAPE attribute.

FYI: Colored tags are common but frowned upon because they aren't official or were official but have gone out of style.

Next, let's look at the Menu link ATTRIBUTES . . .
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Menu Link: ATTRIBUTES (Attribute Descriptions)

Screen capture of Attribute Descriptions

The MAIN frame has now scrolled the Notes file to the Attribute Descriptions.

This provides a broader view of the Attribute Descriptions, which you could only peek at in the FOOTNOTE frame.

As we saw before, Attribute Descriptions include:

NOTE: Some attributes have multiple entries because the attribute's function depends on which tag it's in.

FYI: Colored attributes are common but frowned upon because they aren't official or were official but have gone out of style.

Let's look at the Menu link (Common) . . .
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Menu Link: Common (Common Attributes)

The MAIN frame has now scrolled the Notes file to the Common Attributes section.

Some attributes can be used in almost all tags, so they aren't specifically related to the function of a particular tag.

In an effort to save space I chose symbols to represent sets of these attributes:

Let's look at the Menu link VALUES . . .
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Menu Link: VALUES (Acceptable Attribute Values and Data Types)

Screen capture of Acceptable Attribute Values

The MAIN frame has now scrolled the Notes file to the Acceptable Attribute Values section.

This provides a broader view of the <Acceptable Attribute Values, which you could only peek at in the FOOTNOTE frame.

As we saw before, Acceptable Attribute Values entries may include:
Acceptable Attribute Value entries may include:

NOTE: If an attribute is not specified, the bolded option is the default value.

FYI: Colored options are common but frowned upon because they aren't official or were official but have gone out of style.

Let's look at the Menu link "ENTITIES" . . .
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Menu Link: ENTITIES (Special Character Codes)

The MAIN frame has now scrolled the Entities file with the codes to insert symbols and special characters.


Finally, let's look at the Menu links "INFO", "HELP", and "AUTHOR" . . .
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Menu Links: INFO, HELP, and AUTHOR

These links will load the MAIN frame with the supplementary files listed below:

Now It's Your Turn ...
Just click on something and see what happens!

Sunshine HTML Resource HEAD | BODY | Forms | Frames | Images | Layout | Links | Lists | Tables | Text: Logical & Physical


Tell me what you think! © Sunny Snaith    Post Office Box 681727, Fort Payne, AL 35968     Last revision:  April 13, 2015