SUNNY SNAITH A versatile administrative professional with a focus on organization, efficiency, and education. Bachelor's Degree in Physics, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA |
from Gallup's Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 Strategic — Formulates goals, plans, & contingencies. Explores & evaluates options & consequences. Diagnoses, solves, & prevents problems. Ideation — Is flexible, innovative, & efficient. Finds patterns & mistakes. Provides clear explanations. Brainstorms & creates solutions on the fly. Learner — Masters new systems & skills. Easily shifts between projects. Unafraid of the challenging & unknown. Eager to learn & improve. Input — Manages information & resources: investigate, catalog, categorize, organize, systematize, integrate, access, document, & disseminate. Intellection — Breaks down complex concepts. Creates explanatory models. Communicates clearly with excellent vocabulary. |
© Sunny Snaith PO Box 681727, Fort Payne, AL 35968